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Share the Good News

God has planted each of us who know Him in specific "places" and relational networks in the world.  Use this Relational Mapping sheet to think about who has God placed around you that He would have you focus on in building relationships and sharing the Good News.

God is the one who has to open the eyes and hearts of someone to understand the Good News of what He has done for us in Christ.  Take a look at this list of ideas on what to pray as you trust God to draw others to faith in Christ.  

We can fall into the trap of thinking we have to "preach" the good news about Christ to others, but in reality, asking good questions that lead to good dialogue is the most strategic thing we can do to help someone come to know the Lord Jesus.  Take a look at this article ... it will give you some good insight in how to use questions.

Doug Polluck in his book God Space (Creating space for Spiritual Conversations), presents the idea of using "Wondering" questions as we interact with others.  Here is an article by Doug on this idea. 

How can others come to faith in Christ unless they hear about Him?  Take initiative to talk with others and to listen carefully to see where God is at work in their lives. Here are two great articles on doing this.  

"Evangelism" simply means sharing with others GOOD NEWS!  There are all sorts of ways to do this ... Here is an assessment to help you understand how God has create you to be used by Him to share His story and your story of faith.  

Here is a set of 16 discussion guides focusing on wisdom in the Bible relating to Workplace Issues we all face.  Print out one at a time and ask others to join you in these practical discussions.  It will help them see the wisdom in God's Word.

Here is a link to a great website that helps you learn to have discussions about faith with others.  The organization is called Q PLACE and I highly recommend the content on their site, especially "The 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations" 

The Bible for the first time can be intimidating, so here is a set of 24 one page discussions on Life Issues 

you can read over with your friends to begin to expose them to God's Word and its relevance to life.  

How do we interact with friends from Muslim backgrounds to dialogue together about the authenticity of God's Word, the Bible, and the Lord Jesus Christ being the Son of God?  Here is a great website I'd recommend by someone who came to Christ from a Muslim background.  Lots of resources and experience to share.

The Navigators is a world-wide multi-ethnic society committed to "Knowing Christ, Making Him Known, and Helping Others Do The Same".  Here is a link to their resource page.  Look it over ... it has some great resources to help you grow in your faith as well as helping others.

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